Traditional & Boundless Types Of Engineering-
- Many students prefer engineering as their first choice after high school.
- The second question that emerges once the engineering is shortlisted is about which specialization to choose.
- There are specific engineering branches with targeted studies i.e. Telecommunication, I.T. Aerospace, Sports etc.
- Believe it or not, engineering is used by humankind even before we knew about it.
- The bare necessities have been taken cared of by the proper application of technology, creativity, studies and innovations.
Let us check the ancient engineering types used by us and still used with up-gradation and modern technology.
Agriculture Engineering-
To survive and grow, we need to relish good food. Vegetables, Grains and fruits are required for survival.
Human beings have consistently tried to apply recent studies and developments to get more harvest. To get maximum yield, farmers use their experience, natural fertilizers, equipment, and pesticides to protect their crops. Slowly, they started to research, experiment and apply science. Nowadays, we consider it as Agriculture engineering.
An Agricultural engineer may work with private sectors and government sectors such as NABARD, Food Corporation of India, National dairy development board etc.
The roles available for this engineering are on-field and off-field, depending on the candidate’s choice. For example, one may work in the area as a scientist, farm manager, farmer, supervisor and inspector. Otherwise, you are open to work off-field as a researcher, analyst, designs and development, and agronomist.
Civil Engineering-
After food or with food, the other essential commodity we need is shelter.
As humans evolved, we constructed shelters for our clan as in caves and houses and later, for travel modes, humans built roads, bridges and footpaths.
When the type of living improved and necessities increased, consumption was vital, but planning, conversations, and management was also essential. That is when the dams, reservoirs and safety walls were built.
Imhotep is the first Engineer; he constructed Pyramids in Saqarrah, Egypt. Since then, it has evolved with technology and we see bridges, roads, buildings, dams, sewage systems, airports and structures that might look like miracles.
A civil engineer can be hired both in private as well as government organisations. One may even start an individual business after graduating.
To opt for Civil Engineering and prepare for the entrance exam, one may start GATE CE Online Coaching without stepping out from the house during the pandemic.
Military Engineering-
If we believe Military engineering is used ever since civilization evolved. People marked their territories and had to protect their lands, towns and groups. Later, it was used to structure military plans, military communications and roads at the borders and military transportation.
One may apply in Military Engineering Services (MES) and work for strategic and operational infrastructure for the Government of India.
Mechanical Engineering-
Mechanical engineering is considered the Mother of Engineering because it is the base and contributes to many other engineering branches such as Automation, Aerospace, Robotics, Thermodynamics, Mechatronics, Marine engineering, etc.
It is the oldest form of engineering used to structure pulleys, carts, wheels, farm equipment and the lever was used from the ancient period.
Mechanical Engineers have global recognition and can be employed in private as well as government organisations. We use automated technology in almost everything; this field has a broader perspective.
With the development of technology, now any aspiring candidate can join GATE Mechanical Online Coaching to appear for the entrance exam without wasting a moment.
Although the oldest form of engineering, it is still the most promising one.
Textile Engineering-
Humans realized the importance of covering themselves to protect themselves from geographical conditions and environmental hazards with humankind’s evolution. Anciently they used leaves of trees to cover themselves until they invented the cloth.
The formation of fabric, weaving, stitching, coloring etc came later in the process. Even now, textile engineering is considered an essential element in engineering and one that will remain constant.
One may proceed to study Textile engineering and join public firms and the government sector.
However surprising it may sound, but we have been using engineering to live and develop conveniently.
It goes without saying-
“Human beings are incomplete without engineering”