TCP Congestion Control | Congestion in Network

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Congestion in Network-


Congestion refers to a network state where-

The message traffic becomes so heavy that it slows down the network response time.


  • Congestion is an important issue that can arise in Packet Switched Network.
  • Congestion leads to the loss of packets in transit.
  • So, it is necessary to control the congestion in network.
  • It is not possible to completely avoid the congestion.


Congestion Control-


Congestion control refers to techniques and mechanisms that can-

  • Either prevent congestion before it happens
  • Or remove congestion after it has happened


Now, let us discuss how congestion is handled at TCP.


TCP Congestion Control-


TCP reacts to congestion by reducing the sender window size.


The size of the sender window is determined by the following two factors-

  1. Receiver window size
  2. Congestion window size


1. Receiver Window Size-


Receiver window size is an advertisement of-

“How much data (in bytes) the receiver can receive without acknowledgement?”


  • Sender should not send data greater than receiver window size.
  • Otherwise, it leads to dropping the TCP segments which causes TCP Retransmission.
  • So, sender should always send data less than or equal to receiver window size.
  • Receiver dictates its window size to the sender through TCP Header.


2. Congestion Window-


  • Sender should not send data greater than congestion window size.
  • Otherwise, it leads to dropping the TCP segments which causes TCP Retransmission.
  • So, sender should always send data less than or equal to congestion window size.
  • Different variants of TCP use different approaches to calculate the size of congestion window.
  • Congestion window is known only to the sender and is not sent over the links.


So, always-


Sender window size = Minimum (Receiver window size, Congestion window size)


TCP Congestion Policy-


TCP’s general policy for handling congestion consists of following three phases-



  1. Slow Start
  2. Congestion Avoidance
  3. Congestion Detection


1. Slow Start Phase-


  • Initially, sender sets congestion window size = Maximum Segment Size (1 MSS).
  • After receiving each acknowledgment, sender increases the congestion window size by 1 MSS.
  • In this phase, the size of congestion window increases exponentially.


The followed formula is-


Congestion window size = Congestion window size + Maximum segment size


This is shown below-



  • After 1 round trip time, congestion window size = (2)1 = 2 MSS
  • After 2 round trip time, congestion window size = (2)2 = 4 MSS
  • After 3 round trip time, congestion window size = (2)3 = 8 MSS and so on.


This phase continues until the congestion window size reaches the slow start threshold.



= Maximum number of TCP segments that receiver window can accommodate / 2

= (Receiver window size / Maximum Segment Size) / 2


2. Congestion Avoidance Phase-


After reaching the threshold,

  • Sender increases the congestion window size linearly to avoid the congestion.
  • On receiving each acknowledgement, sender increments the congestion window size by 1.


The followed formula is-


Congestion window size = Congestion window size + 1


This phase continues until the congestion window size becomes equal to the receiver window size.



3. Congestion Detection Phase-


When sender detects the loss of segments, it reacts in different ways depending on how the loss is detected-


Case-01: Detection On Time Out-


  • Time Out Timer expires before receiving the acknowledgement for a segment.
  • This case suggests the stronger possibility of congestion in the network.
  • There are chances that a segment has been dropped in the network.




In this case, sender reacts by-

  • Setting the slow start threshold to half of the current congestion window size.
  • Decreasing the congestion window size to 1 MSS.
  • Resuming the slow start phase.


Case-02: Detection On Receiving 3 Duplicate Acknowledgements-


  • Sender receives 3 duplicate acknowledgements for a segment.
  • This case suggests the weaker possibility of congestion in the network.
  • There are chances that a segment has been dropped but few segments sent later may have reached.




In this case, sender reacts by-

  • Setting the slow start threshold to half of the current congestion window size.
  • Decreasing the congestion window size to slow start threshold.
  • Resuming the congestion avoidance phase.


Next Article- Practice Problems On TCP Congestion Control


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TCP Congestion Control | Congestion in Network
Article Name
TCP Congestion Control | Congestion in Network
TCP Congestion Control is meant for handling Congestion in Network. TCP Congestion Control Policy consists of three phases- Slow start phase, Congestion Avoidance Phase, Congestion Detection Phase. Congestion refers to a network state where the message traffic becomes so heavy that it slows down network response time.
Publisher Name
Gate Vidyalay
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