Tag: Insertion Sort Logic

Insertion Sort Algorithm | Example | Time Complexity

Insertion Sort-


  • Insertion sort is an in-place sorting algorithm.
  • It uses no auxiliary data structures while sorting.
  • It is inspired from the way in which we sort playing cards.


How Insertion Sort Works?


Consider the following elements are to be sorted in ascending order-

6, 2, 11, 7, 5


Insertion sort works as-



  • It selects the second element (2).
  • It checks whether it is smaller than any of the elements before it.
  • Since 2 < 6, so it shifts 6 towards right and places 2 before it.
  • The resulting list is 2, 6, 11, 7, 5.



  • It selects the third element (11).
  • It checks whether it is smaller than any of the elements before it.
  • Since 11 > (2, 6), so no shifting takes place.
  • The resulting list remains the same.



  • It selects the fourth element (7).
  • It checks whether it is smaller than any of the elements before it.
  • Since 7 < 11, so it shifts 11 towards right and places 7 before it.
  • The resulting list is 2, 6, 7, 11, 5.



  • It selects the fifth element (5).
  • It checks whether it is smaller than any of the elements before it.
  • Since 5 < (6, 7, 11), so it shifts (6, 7, 11) towards right and places 5 before them.
  • The resulting list is 2, 5, 6, 7, 11.


As a result, sorted elements in ascending order are-

2, 5, 6, 7, 11


Insertion Sort Algorithm-


Let A be an array with n elements. The insertion sort algorithm used for sorting is as follows-


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for (i = 1 ; i < n ; i++)
key = A [ i ];
j = i - 1;
while(j > 0 && A [ j ] > key)
A [ j+1 ] = A [ j ];
A [ j+1 ] = key;
for (i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) { key = A [ i ]; j = i - 1; while(j > 0 && A [ j ] > key) { A [ j+1 ] = A [ j ]; j--; } A [ j+1 ] = key; }
for (i = 1 ; i < n ; i++)


   key = A [ i ];

   j = i - 1;

   while(j > 0 && A [ j ] > key)


       A [ j+1 ] = A [ j ];



    A [ j+1 ] = key;




  • i = variable to traverse the array A
  • key = variable to store the new number to be inserted into the sorted sub-array
  • j = variable to traverse the sorted sub-array


Insertion Sort Example-


Consider the following elements are to be sorted in ascending order-

6, 2, 11, 7, 5


The above insertion sort algorithm works as illustrated below-


Step-01: For i = 1



Step-02: For i = 2



Step-03: For i = 3



2 5 11 7 6 For j = 2; 11 > 7 so A[3] = 11
2 5 11 11 6 For j = 1; 5 < 7 so loop stops and A[2] = 7
2 5 7 11 6 After inner loop ends


Working of inner loop when i = 3


Step-04: For i = 4



Loop gets terminated as ‘i’ becomes 5. The state of array after the loops are finished-



With each loop cycle,

  • One element is placed at the correct location in the sorted sub-array until array A is completely sorted.


Time Complexity Analysis-


  • Selection sort algorithm consists of two nested loops.
  • Owing to the two nested loops, it has O(n2) time complexity.


Time Complexity
Best Case n
Average Case n2
Worst Case n2


Space Complexity Analysis-


  • Selection sort is an in-place algorithm.
  • It performs all computation in the original array and no other array is used.
  • Hence, the space complexity works out to be O(1).


Important Notes-


  • Insertion sort is not a very efficient algorithm when data sets are large.
  • This is indicated by the average and worst case complexities.
  • Insertion sort is adaptive and number of comparisons are less if array is partially sorted.


To gain better understanding about Insertion Sort Algorithm,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Merge Sort


Other Popular Sorting Algorithms-



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