Tag: dbms

Normal Forms in Database | Important Points

Normal Forms in DBMS-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Normalization in DBMS.


We have discussed-

  • Database normalization is a process of making the database consistent.
  • Normalization is done through normal forms.
  • The standard normal forms generally used are-



In this article, we will discuss some important points about normal forms.




Remember the following diagram which implies-

  • A relation in BCNF will surely be in all other normal forms.
  • A relation in 3NF will surely be in 2NF and 1NF.
  • A relation in 2NF will surely be in 1NF.





The above diagram also implies-

  • BCNF is stricter than 3NF.
  • 3NF is stricter than 2NF.
  • 2NF is stricter than 1NF.




While determining the normal form of any given relation,

  • Start checking from BCNF.
  • This is because if it is found to be in BCNF, then it will surely be in all other normal forms.
  • If the relation is not in BCNF, then start moving towards the outer circles and check for other normal forms in the order they appear.




  • In a relational database, a relation is always in First Normal Form (1NF) at least.




  • Singleton keys are those that consist of only a single attribute.
  • If all the candidate keys of a relation are singleton candidate keys, then it will always be in 2NF at least.
  • This is because there will be no chances of existing any partial dependency.
  • The candidate keys will either fully appear or fully disappear from the dependencies.
  • Thus, an incomplete candidate key will never determine a non-prime attribute.


Also read- Types of Keys in DBMS




  • If all the attributes of a relation are prime attributes, then it will always be in 2NF at least.
  • This is because there will be no chances of existing any partial dependency.
  • Since there are no non-prime attributes, there will be no Functional Dependency which determines a non-prime attribute.




  • If all the attributes of a relation are prime attributes, then it will always be in 3NF at least.
  • This is because there will be no chances of existing any transitive dependency for non-prime attributes.




  • Third Normal Form (3NF) is considered adequate for normal relational database design.




  • Every binary relation (a relation with only two attributes) is always in BCNF.




  • BCNF is free from redundancies arising out of functional dependencies (zero redundancy).




  • A relation with only trivial functional dependencies is always in BCNF.
  • In other words, a relation with no non-trivial functional dependencies is always in BCNF.




  • BCNF decomposition is always lossless but not always dependency preserving.




  • Sometimes, going for BCNF may not preserve functional dependencies.
  • So, go for BCNF only if the lost functional dependencies are not required else normalize till 3NF only.




  • There exist many more normal forms even after BCNF like 4NF and more.
  • But in the real world database systems, it is generally not required to go beyond BCNF.




  • Lossy decomposition is not allowed in 2NF, 3NF and BCNF.
  • So, if the decomposition of a relation has been done in such a way that it is lossy, then the decomposition will never be in 2NF, 3NF and BCNF.




  • Unlike BCNF, Lossless and dependency preserving decomposition into 3NF and 2NF is always possible.




  • A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a 3NF relation.
  • A prime attribute can not be transitively dependent on a key in a BCNF relation.




  • If a relation consists of only singleton candidate keys and it is in 3NF, then it must also be in BCNF. 




  • If a relation consists of only one candidate key and it is in 3NF, then the relation must also be in BCNF. 


Also Read- How To Find Candidate Keys?


Next Article- Transactions in DBMS


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Equivalence of Schedules | Equivalent Schedules in DBMS

Equivalence of Schedules-


In DBMS, schedules may have the following three different kinds of equivalence relations among them-



  1. Result Equivalence
  2. Conflict Equivalence
  3. View Equivalence


1. Result Equivalent Schedules-


  • If any two schedules generate the same result after their execution, then they are called as result equivalent schedules.
  • This equivalence relation is considered of least significance.
  • This is because some schedules might produce same results for some set of values and different results for some other set of values.


2. Conflict Equivalent Schedules-


If any two schedules satisfy the following two conditions, then they are called as conflict equivalent schedules-

  1. The set of transactions present in both the schedules is same.
  2. The order of pairs of conflicting operations of both the schedules is same.


3. View Equivalent Schedules-


We have already discussed about View Equivalent Schedules.






Are the following three schedules result equivalent?





To check whether the given schedules are result equivalent or not,

  • We will consider some arbitrary values of X and Y.
  • Then, we will compare the results produced by each schedule.
  • Those schedules which produce the same results will be result equivalent.


Let X = 2 and Y = 5.

On substituting these values, the results produced by each schedule are-


Results by Schedule S1- X = 21 and Y = 10

Results by Schedule S2- X = 21 and Y = 10

Results by Schedule S3- X = 11 and Y = 10


  • Clearly, the results produced by schedules S1 and S2 are same.
  • Thus, we conclude that S1 and S2 are result equivalent schedules.




Are the following two schedules conflict equivalent?





To check whether the given schedules are conflict equivalent or not,

  • We will write their order of pairs of conflicting operations.
  • Then, we will compare the order of both the schedules.
  • If both the schedules are found to have the same order, then they will be conflict equivalent.


For schedule S1-


The required order is-

  • R1(A) , W2(A)
  • W1(A) , R2(A)
  • W1(A) , W2(A)


For schedule S2-


The required order is-

  • R1(A) , W2(A)
  • W1(A) , R2(A)
  • W1(A) , W2(A)


  • Clearly, both the given schedules have the same order.
  • Thus, we conclude that S1 and S2 are conflict equivalent schedules.


Next Article- Introduction to Relational Algebra


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View Serializability in DBMS | Practice Problems

View Serializability-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on View Serializability.


We have discussed-

  • The concept of serializability helps to identify the correct non-serial schedules that will maintain the consistency of the database.
  • There are two types of serializability-



In this article, we will discuss practice problems based on view serializability.


Also read- Conflict Serializability






Check whether the given schedule S is view serializable or not-





  • We know, if a schedule is conflict serializable, then it is surely view serializable.
  • So, let us check whether the given schedule is conflict serializable or not.


Checking Whether S is Conflict Serializable Or Not-




List all the conflicting operations and determine the dependency between the transactions-

  • W1(B) , W2(B)              (T1 → T2)
  • W1(B) , W3(B)              (T1 → T3)
  • W1(B) , W4(B)              (T1 → T4)
  • W2(B) , W3(B)              (T2 → T3)
  • W2(B) , W4(B)              (T2 → T4)
  • W3(B) , W4(B)              (T3 → T4)




Draw the precedence graph-



  • Clearly, there exists no cycle in the precedence graph.
  • Therefore, the given schedule S is conflict serializable.
  • Thus, we conclude that the given schedule is also view serializable.




Check whether the given schedule S is view serializable or not-





  • We know, if a schedule is conflict serializable, then it is surely view serializable.
  • So, let us check whether the given schedule is conflict serializable or not.


Checking Whether S is Conflict Serializable Or Not-




List all the conflicting operations and determine the dependency between the transactions-

  • R1(A) , W3(A)              (T1 → T3)
  • R2(A) , W3(A)              (T2 → T3)
  • R2(A) , W1(A)              (T2 → T1)
  • W3(A) , W1(A)             (T3 → T1)




Draw the precedence graph-



  • Clearly, there exists a cycle in the precedence graph.
  • Therefore, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable.



  • Since, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable, so, it may or may not be view serializable.
  • To check whether S is view serializable or not, let us use another method.
  • Let us check for blind writes.


Checking for Blind Writes-


  • There exists a blind write W(A) in the given schedule S.
  • Therefore, the given schedule S may or may not be view serializable.



  • To check whether S is view serializable or not, let us use another method.
  • Let us derive the dependencies and then draw a dependency graph.


Drawing a Dependency Graph-


  • T1 firstly reads A and T3 firstly updates A.
  • So, T1 must execute before T3.
  • Thus, we get the dependency T1 → T3.
  • Final updation on A is made by the transaction T1.
  • So, T1 must execute after all other transactions.
  • Thus, we get the dependency (T2, T3) → T1.
  • There exists no write-read sequence.


Now, let us draw a dependency graph using these dependencies-



  • Clearly, there exists a cycle in the dependency graph.
  • Thus, we conclude that the given schedule S is not view serializable.




Check whether the given schedule S is view serializable or not-





  • We know, if a schedule is conflict serializable, then it is surely view serializable.
  • So, let us check whether the given schedule is conflict serializable or not.


Checking Whether S is Conflict Serializable Or Not-




List all the conflicting operations and determine the dependency between the transactions-

  • R1(A) , W2(A)              (T1 → T2)
  • R2(A) , W1(A)              (T2 → T1)
  • W1(A) , W2(A)             (T1 → T2)
  • R1(B) , W2(B)              (T1 → T2)
  • R2(B) , W1(B)              (T2 → T1)




Draw the precedence graph-



  • Clearly, there exists a cycle in the precedence graph.
  • Therefore, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable.



  • Since, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable, so, it may or may not be view serializable.
  • To check whether S is view serializable or not, let us use another method.
  • Let us check for blind writes.


Checking for Blind Writes-


  • There exists no blind write in the given schedule S.
  • Therefore, it is surely not view serializable.



  • You could directly declare that the given schedule S is not view serializable.
  • This is because there exists no blind write in the schedule.
  • You need not check for conflict serializability.




Check whether the given schedule S is view serializable or not. If yes, then give the serial schedule.

S : R1(A) , W2(A) , R3(A) , W1(A) , W3(A)




For simplicity and better understanding, we can represent the given schedule pictorially as-



  • We know, if a schedule is conflict serializable, then it is surely view serializable.
  • So, let us check whether the given schedule is conflict serializable or not.


Checking Whether S is Conflict Serializable Or Not-




List all the conflicting operations and determine the dependency between the transactions-

  • R1(A) , W2(A)              (T1 → T2)
  • R1(A) , W3(A)              (T1 → T3)
  • W2(A) , R3(A)              (T2 → T3)
  • W2(A) , W1(A)             (T2 → T1)
  • W2(A) , W3(A)             (T2 → T3)
  • R3(A) , W1(A)              (T3 → T1)
  • W1(A) , W3(A)             (T1 → T3)




Draw the precedence graph-



  • Clearly, there exists a cycle in the precedence graph.
  • Therefore, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable.



  • Since, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable, so, it may or may not be view serializable.
  • To check whether S is view serializable or not, let us use another method.
  • Let us check for blind writes.


Checking for Blind Writes-


  • There exists a blind write W(A) in the given schedule S.
  • Therefore, the given schedule S may or may not be view serializable.



  • To check whether S is view serializable or not, let us use another method.
  • Let us derive the dependencies and then draw a dependency graph.


Drawing a Dependency Graph-


  • T1 firstly reads A and T2 firstly updates A.
  • So, T1 must execute before T2.
  • Thus, we get the dependency T1 → T2.
  • Final updation on A is made by the transaction T3.
  • So, T3 must execute after all other transactions.
  • Thus, we get the dependency (T1, T2) → T3.
  • From write-read sequence, we get  the dependency T2 → T3


Now, let us draw a dependency graph using these dependencies-



  • Clearly, there exists no cycle in the dependency graph.
  • Therefore, the given schedule S is view serializable.
  • The serialization order T1 → T2 → T3.


Next Article- Recoverable and Irrecoverable Schedules


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Cascading Rollback | Cascadeless Schedule



Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Recoverability in DBMS.


We have discussed-

  • Non-serial schedules which are not serializable are called as non-serializable schedules.
  • Non-serializable schedules may be recoverable or irrecoverable.


Recoverable Schedules-


If in a schedule,

  • A transaction performs a dirty read operation from an uncommitted transaction
  • And its commit operation is delayed till the uncommitted transaction either commits or roll backs

then such a schedule is called as a Recoverable Schedule.


Types of Recoverable Schedules-


A recoverable schedule may be any one of these kinds-



  1. Cascading Schedule
  2. Cascadeless Schedule
  3. Strict Schedule


Cascading Schedule-


  • If in a schedule, failure of one transaction causes several other dependent transactions to rollback or abort, then such a schedule is called as a Cascading Schedule or Cascading Rollback or Cascading Abort.
  • It simply leads to the wastage of CPU time.






  • Transaction T2 depends on transaction T1.
  • Transaction T3 depends on transaction T2.
  • Transaction T4 depends on transaction T3.


In this schedule,

  • The failure of transaction T1 causes the transaction T2 to rollback.
  • The rollback of transaction T2 causes the transaction T3 to rollback.
  • The rollback of transaction T3 causes the transaction T4 to rollback.

Such a rollback is called as a Cascading Rollback.




If the transactions T2, T3 and T4 would have committed before the failure of transaction T1, then the schedule would have been irrecoverable.


Cascadeless Schedule-


If in a schedule, a transaction is not allowed to read a data item until the last transaction that has written it is committed or aborted, then such a schedule is called as a Cascadeless Schedule.

In other words,

  • Cascadeless schedule allows only committed read operations.
  • Therefore, it avoids cascading roll back and thus saves CPU time.







  • Cascadeless schedule allows only committed read operations.
  • However, it allows uncommitted write operations.





Strict Schedule-


If in a schedule, a transaction is neither allowed to read nor write a data item until the last transaction that has written it is committed or aborted, then such a schedule is called as a Strict Schedule.

In other words,

  • Strict schedule allows only committed read and write operations.
  • Clearly, strict schedule implements more restrictions than cascadeless schedule.







  • Strict schedules are more strict than cascadeless schedules.
  • All strict schedules are cascadeless schedules.
  • All cascadeless schedules are not strict schedules.



Next Article- Equivalence of Schedules


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ACID Properties | ACID Properties in DBMS

Transaction in DBMS-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Transactions in DBMS.


We have discussed-

  • A transaction is a set of logically related operations.
  • A transaction goes through different states throughout its life cycle.
  • The life cycle of a transaction is-



In this article, we will discuss ACID properties of a transaction.


ACID Properties-


  • It is important to ensure that the database remains consistent before and after the transaction.
  • To ensure the consistency of database, certain properties are followed by all the transactions occurring in the system.
  • These properties are called as ACID Properties of a transaction.



1. Atomicity-


  • This property ensures that either the transaction occurs completely or it does not occur at all.
  • In other words, it ensures that no transaction occurs partially.
  • That is why, it is also referred to as “All or nothing rule“.
  • It is the responsibility of Transaction Control Manager to ensure atomicity of the transactions.


2. Consistency-


  • This property ensures that integrity constraints are maintained.
  • In other words, it ensures that the database remains consistent before and after the transaction.
  • It is the responsibility of DBMS and application programmer to ensure consistency of the database.


3. Isolation-


  • This property ensures that multiple transactions can occur simultaneously without causing any inconsistency.
  • During execution, each transaction feels as if it is getting executed alone in the system.
  • A transaction does not realize that there are other transactions as well getting executed parallely.
  • Changes made by a transaction becomes visible to other transactions only after they are written in the memory.
  • The resultant state of the system after executing all the transactions is same as the state that would be achieved if the transactions were executed serially one after the other.
  • It is the responsibility of concurrency control manager to ensure isolation for all the transactions.


4. Durability-


  • This property ensures that all the changes made by a transaction after its successful execution are written successfully to the disk.
  • It also ensures that these changes exist permanently and are never lost even if there occurs a failure of any kind.
  • It is the responsibility of recovery manager to ensure durability in the database.


Next Article- Concurrency Problems in DBMS


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