Tag: Automata Computer Science

Ambiguous Grammar | Grammar in Automata

Grammar in Automata-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Types of Grammar in Automata.


On the basis of number of derivation trees, grammars are classified as-



  1. Ambiguous Grammar
  2. Unambiguous Grammar


1. Ambiguous Grammar-


A grammar is said to ambiguous if for any string generated by it, it produces more than one-

  • Parse tree
  • Or derivation tree
  • Or syntax tree
  • Or leftmost derivation
  • Or rightmost derivation




Consider the following grammar-

E → E + E / E x E / id

Ambiguous Grammar


This grammar is an example of ambiguous grammar.

Any of the following reasons can be stated to prove the grammar ambiguous-




Let us consider a string w generated by the grammar-

w = id + id x id

Now, let us draw the parse trees for this string w.



Since two parse trees exist for string w, therefore the grammar is ambiguous.




Let us consider a string w generated by the grammar-

w = id + id x id

Now, let us draw the syntax trees for this string w.



Since two syntax trees exist for string w, therefore the grammar is ambiguous.




Let us consider a string w generated by the grammar-

w = id + id x id

Now, let us write the leftmost derivations for this string w.



Since two leftmost derivations exist for string w, therefore the grammar is ambiguous.




Let us consider a string w generated by the grammar-

w = id + id x id

Now, let us write the rightmost derivations for this string w.



Since two rightmost derivations exist for string w, therefore the grammar is ambiguous.


Also Read- Checking Grammar Ambiguity


2. Unambiguous Grammar-


A grammar is said to unambiguous if for every string generated by it, it produces exactly one-

  • Parse tree
  • Or derivation tree
  • Or syntax tree
  • Or leftmost derivation
  • Or rightmost derivation




Consider the following grammar-

E → E + T / T

T → T x F / F

F → id

Unambiguous Grammar


This grammar is an example of unambiguous grammar.


Also Read- Removing Ambiguity From Ambiguous Grammar


To gain better understanding about Ambiguous Grammar,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Recursive Grammar


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Language Of Grammar | Automata

Language Of Grammar-


Language of Grammar is the set of all strings that can be generated from that grammar.


  • If the language consists of finite number of strings, then it is called as a Finite language.
  • If the language consists of infinite number of strings, then it is called as an Infinite language.


Also Read- Grammar in Automata




Consider a grammar G = (V , T , P , S) where-

  • V = { S }
  • T = { a , b }
  • P = { S → aSbS , S → bSaS , S → ∈ }
  • S = { S }


This grammar generates the strings having equal number of a’s and b’s.


So, Language of this grammar is-


L(G) = { ∈ , ab , ba , aabb , bbaa , abab , baba , …… }


  • This language consists of infinite number of strings.
  • Therefore, language of the grammar is infinite.




Consider a grammar G = (V , T , P , S) where-

  • V = { S , A , B , C }
  • T = { a , b , c }
  • P = { S → ABC , A → a , B → b , C → c }
  • S = { S }


This grammar generates only one string “abc”.


So, Language of this grammar is-


L(G) = { abc }


  • This language consists of finite number of strings.
  • Therefore, language of the grammar is finite.


Also Read- Deciding Language Is Finite Or Infinite


Important Concept-


  • For any given grammar, the language generated by it is always unique.
  • For any given language, we may have more than one grammar generating that language.





Consider the following two grammars-


Grammar G1-


S → AB

A → a

B → b

The language generated by this grammar is-

L(G1) = { ab }


Grammar G2-


S → AB

A → 

B → ab

The language generated by this grammar is-

L(G2) = { ab }



  • Both the grammars generate a unique language.
  • But given a language L(G) = { ab }, we have two different grammars generating that language.

This justifies the above concept.


Next Article- Language Ambiguity


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Grammar in Automata | Types of Grammar

Grammar in Automata-


Formal Definition-


A Grammar is a 4-tuple such that-

G = (V , T , P , S)


  • V = Finite non-empty set of non-terminal symbols
  • T = Finite set of terminal symbols
  • P = Finite non-empty set of production rules
  • S = Start symbol


Grammar Constituents-


A Grammar is mainly composed of two basic elements-



1. Terminal symbols

2. Non-terminal symbols


1. Terminal Symbols-


  • Terminal symbols are those which are the constituents of the sentence generated using a grammar.
  • Terminal symbols are denoted by using small case letters such as a, b, c etc.


2. Non-Terminal Symbols-


  • Non-Terminal symbols are those which take part in the generation of the sentence but are not part of it.
  • Non-Terminal symbols are also called as auxiliary symbols or variables.
  • Non-Terminal symbols are denoted by using capital letters such as A, B, C etc.


Examples of Grammar-




Consider a grammar G = (V , T , P , S) where-

  • V = { S }                                                  // Set of Non-Terminal symbols
  • T = { a , b }                                              // Set of Terminal symbols
  • P = { S → aSbS , S → bSaS , S → ∈ }   // Set of production rules
  • S = { S }                                                   // Start symbol


This grammar generates the strings having equal number of a’s and b’s




Consider a grammar G = (V , T , P , S) where-

  • V = { S , A , B }                                                  // Set of Non-Terminal symbols
  • T = { a , b }                                                        // Set of Terminal symbols
  • P = { S → ABa , A → BB , B → ab , AA → b }  // Set of production rules
  • S = { S }                                                            // Start symbol


Types of Grammars-


Grammars are classified on different basis as-



We will discuss all these types of grammar one by one in detail.


Equivalent Grammars-


Two grammars are said to be equivalent if they generate the same languages.


Also Read- Language of Grammar




Consider the following two grammars-


Grammar G1-

S → aSb / ∈


Grammar G2-

S → aAb / ∈

A → aAb / ∈


Both these grammars generate the same language given as-

L = { anbn , n>=0 }


Thus, L(G1) = L(G2)

Since both the grammars generate the same language, therefore they are equivalent.


∴ G1 ≡ G2


To gain better understanding about Grammars in Automata,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Ambiguous Grammar


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CYK Algorithm | CYK Algorithm Example

CYK Algorithm-


CYK Algorithm is a membership algorithm of context free grammar.


  • It is used to decide whether a given string belongs to the language of grammar or not.
  • It is also known as CKY Algorithm or Cocke-Younger-Kasami Algorithm after its inventors.


Important Notes-







  • The worst case running time of CYK Algorithm is Θ (n3.|G|).
  • Here, n = Length of parsed string and |G| = Size of the CNF Grammar G.




      for ( i = 1 to n do )
      Vi1 { A | A → a is a production where ith symbol of x is a }

      for ( j = 2 to n do )
           for ( i = 1 to n - j + 1 do )
                 Vij = ϕ
                 For k = 1 to j - 1 do
                 Vij = Vij ∪ { A | A → BC is a production where B is in Vik and C is in V(i + k)(j - k) }


Also Read- Algorithm To Check Whether CFL is Empty


Deciding Membership Using CYK Algorithm-


To decide the membership of any given string, we construct a triangular table where-

  • Each row of the table corresponds to one particular length of sub strings.
  • Bottom most row corresponds to strings of length-1.
  • Second row from bottom corresponds to strings of length-2.
  • Third row from bottom corresponds to strings of length-3.
  • Top most row from bottom corresponds to the given string of length-n.




For a given string “x” of length 4 units, triangular table looks like-



We will fill each box of xij with its Vij.

These notations are discussed below.


Notations Used


Notation-01: xij


xij represents a sub string of “x” starting from location ‘i’ and has length ‘j’.


Consider x = abcd is a string, then-

Number of sub strings possible = n(n+1)/2 = 4 x (4+1) / 2 = 10

We have-

  • x11 = a
  • x21 = b
  • x31 = c
  • x41 = d
  • x12 = ab
  • x22 = bc
  • x32 = cd
  • x13 = abc
  • x23 = bcd
  • x14 = abcd


Notation-02: Vij


Vij represents a set of variables in the grammar which can derive the sub string xij.

If the set of variables consists of the start symbol, then it becomes sure-

  • Sub string xij can be derived from the given grammar.
  • Sub string xij is a member of the language of the given grammar.


Also Read- Algorithm To Check Whether CFL is Finite






For the given grammar, check the acceptance of string w = baaba using CYK Algorithm-

S → AB / BC

A → BA / a

B → CC / b

C → AB / a



First, let us draw the triangular table.

  • The given string is x = baaba.
  • Length of given string = |x| = 5.
  • So, Number of sub strings possible = (5 x 6) / 2 = 15.


So, triangular table looks like-



Now, let us find the value of Vij for each cell.


For Row-1:


Finding V11


  • V11 represents the set of variables deriving x11.
  • x11 = b.
  • Only variable B derives string “b” in the given grammar.
  • Thus, V11 = { B }


Finding V21


  • V21 represents the set of variables deriving x21.
  • x21 = a.
  • Variables A and C derive string “a” in the given grammar.
  • Thus, V21 = { A , C }


Finding V31


  • V31 represents the set of variables deriving x31.
  • x31 = a.
  • Variables A and C derive string “b” in the given grammar.
  • Thus, V31 = { A , C }


Finding V41


  • V41 represents the set of variables deriving x41.
  • x41 = b.
  • Only variable B derives string “b” in the given grammar.
  • Thus, V41 = { B }


Finding V51


  • V51 represents the set of variables deriving x51.
  • x51 = a.
  • Variables A and C derives string “a” in the given grammar.
  • Thus, V51 = { A , C }


For Row-2-



As per the algorithm, to find the value of Vij from 2nd row on wards,

we use the formula-

Vij = Vik V(i+k)(j-k)

where k varies from 1 to j-1


Finding V12


We have i = 1 , j = 2 , k = 1

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V12 = V11. V21

V12 = { B } { A , C }

V12 = { BA , BC }

∴ V12 = { A , S }


Finding V22


We have i = 2 , j = 2 , k = 1

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V22 = V21. V31

V22 = { A , C } { A , C }

V22 = { AA , AC , CA , CC }

Since AA , AC and CA do not exist, so we have-

V22 = { CC }

∴ V22 = { B }


Finding V32


We have i = 3 , j = 2 , k = 1

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V32 = V31. V41

V32 = { A , C } { B }

V32 = { AB , CB }

Since CB does not exist, so we have-

V32 = { AB }

∴ V32 = { S , C }


Finding V42


We have i = 4 , j = 2 , k = 1

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V42 = V41. V51

V42 = { B } { A , C }

V42 = { BA , BC }

∴ V42 = { A , S }


For Row-3-


Finding V13


We have i = 1 , j = 3 , k = 1 to (3-1) = 1,2

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V13 = V11. V22 ∪ V12. V31

V13 = { B } { B } ∪ { A , S } { A , C }

V13 = { BB } ∪ { AA , AC , SA , SC }

Since BB , AA , AC , SA and SC do not exist, so we have-

V13 = ϕ ∪ ϕ

∴ V13 = ϕ


Finding V23


We have i = 2 , j = 3 , k = 1 to (3-1) = 1,2

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V23 = V21. V32 ∪ V22. V41

V23 = { A , C } { S , C } ∪ { B } { B }

V23 = { AS , AC , CS , CC } ∪ { BB }

Since AS , AC , CS and BB do not exist, so we have-

V23 = { CC }

∴ V23 = B


Finding V33


We have i = 3 , j = 3 , k = 1 to (3-1) = 1,2

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V33 = V31. V42 ∪ V32. V51

V33 = { A , C } { A , S } ∪ { S , C } { A , C }

V33 = { AA , AS , CA , CS } ∪ { SA , SC , CA , CC }

Since AA , AS , CA , CS , SA , SC and CA do not exist, so we have-

V33 = ϕ ∪ { CC }

V33 = ϕ ∪ { B }

∴ V33 = { B }


For Row-4-


Finding V14


We have i = 1 , j = 4 , k = 1 to (4-1) = 1,2,3

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V14 = V11. V23 ∪ V12. V32 ∪ V13. V41

V14 = { B } { B } ∪ { A , S } { S , C } ∪ { ϕ , B }

V14 = { BB } ∪ { AS , AC , SS , SC } ∪ { B }

Since BB , AS , AC , SS , SC and B do not exist, so we have-

V14 = ϕ ∪ ϕ ∪ ϕ

∴ V14 = ϕ


Finding V24


We have i = 2 , j = 4 , k = 1 to (4-1) = 1,2,3

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V24 = V21. V33 ∪ V22. V42 ∪ V23. V51

V24 = { A , C } { B } ∪ { B } { A , S } ∪ { B } { A , C }

V24 = { AB , CB } ∪ { BA , BS } ∪ { BA , BC }

Since CB does not exist, so we have-

V24 = { AB } ∪ { BA , BS } ∪ { BA , BC }

V24 = { S , C } ∪ { A } ∪ { A , S }

∴ V24 = { S , C , A }


For Row-5-


Finding V15


We have i = 1 , j = 5 , k = 1 to (5-1) = 1,2,3,4

Substituting values in the formula, we get-

V15 = V11. V24 ∪ V12. V33 ∪ V13. V42 ∪ V14. V51

V15 = { B } { S , C , A } ∪ { A , S } { B } ∪ { ϕ } { A , S } ∪ { ϕ } { A , C }

V15 = { BS , BC , BA } ∪ { AB , SB } ∪ { A , S } ∪ { A , C }

Since BS , SB , A , S and C do not exist, so we have-

V15 = { BC , BA } ∪ { AB } ∪ ϕ ∪ ϕ

V15 = { S , A } ∪ { S , C } ∪ ϕ ∪ ϕ

∴ V15 = { S , A , C }



  • The value of Vij is computed for each cell.
  • We observe V15 contains the start symbol S.
  • Thus, string x15 = baaba is a member of the language of given grammar.


After filling the triangular table, it looks like-



Results From Triangular Table-


The following important results can be made from the above triangular table-




  • There exists total 4 distinct sub strings which are members of the language of given grammar.
  • These 4 sub strings are ba, ab, aaba, baaba.
  • This is because they contain start symbol in their respective cell.




  • Strings which can not be derived from any variable are baa, baab.
  • This is because they contain ϕ in their respective cell.




  • Strings which can be derived from variable B alone are b, aa, aba, aab.
  • This is because they contain variable B alone in their respective cell.


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Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Finite

Context Free Language-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Context Free Language.


We have discussed-

  • Context free language is generated using a context free grammar.
  • Each context free language is accepted by a Pushdown automaton.


In this article, we will discuss a decision algorithm of CFL.


Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Finite Or Not-


For a given CFG, there exists an algorithm to decide whether its language is finite or not.




Reduce the given grammar completely by-

  • Eliminating ∈ productions
  • Eliminating unit productions
  • Eliminating useless productions


Also Watch- How To Reduce Grammar?




  • Draw a directed graph whose nodes are variables of the given grammar.
  • There exists an edge from node A to node B if there exists a production of the form A → αBβ.


Now, following 2 cases are possible-




  • Directed graph contains a cycle.
  • In this case, language of the given grammar is infinite.




  • Directed graph does not contain any cycle.
  • In this case, language of the given grammar is finite.


Also Read- Algorithm To Decide Whether CFL Is Empty






Check whether language of the following grammar is finite or not-

S → AB / a

A → BC / b

B → CC / c






The given grammar is already completely reduced.




We will draw a directed graph whose nodes will be S , A , B , C.



  • Due to the production S → AB, directed graph will have edges S → A and S → B.
  • Due to the production A → BC, directed graph will have edges A → B and A → C.
  • Due to the production B → CC, directed graph will have edge B → C.


The required directed graph is-




  • The directed graph does not contain any cycle.
  • Therefore, language of the given grammar is finite.




Check whether language of the following grammar is finite or not-

S → XS / b

X → YZ

Y → ab

Z → XY






The given grammar is already completely reduced.




We will draw a directed graph whose nodes will be S , X , Y , Z.



  • Due to the production S → XS / b, directed graph will have edges S → X and S → S.
  • Due to the production X → YZ, directed graph will have edges X → Y and X → Z.
  • Due to the production Z → XY, directed graph will have edges Z → X and Z → Y.


The required directed graph is-




  • The directed graph contain cycles.
  • Therefore, language of the given grammar is infinite.


Next Article- CYK Algorithm


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