Tag: Access Control

CSMA CD Protocol | CSMA CD Flowchart

Access Control in Networking-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Access Control.


We have discussed-

  • Access Control is a mechanism that controls the access of stations to the transmission link.
  • Broadcast links require the access control mechanism.
  • There are various access control methods-



  1. Time Division Multiplexing
  2. Polling
  3. CSMA / CD
  4. Token Passing
  5. Aloha


In this article, we will discuss about CSMA / CD.




CSMA / CD stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection.


This access control method works as follows-


Step-01: Sensing the Carrier-


  • Any station willing to transmit the data senses the carrier.
  • If it finds the carrier free, it starts transmitting its data packet otherwise not.




  • Each station can sense the carrier only at its point of contact with the carrier.
  • It is not possible for any station to sense the entire carrier.
  • Thus, there is a huge possibility that a station might sense the carrier free even when it is actually not.




Consider the following scenario-



At the current instance,

  • If station A senses the carrier at its point of contact, then it will find the carrier free.
  • But the carrier is actually not free because station D is already transmitting its data.
  • If station A starts transmitting its data now, then it might lead to a collision with the data transmitted by station D.


Step-02: Detecting the Collision-



  • It is the responsibility of the transmitting station to detect the collision.
  • For detecting the collision, CSMA / CD implements the following condition.
  • This condition is followed by each station-


Transmission delay >= 2 x Propagation delay




According to this condition,

  • Each station must transmit the data packet of size whose transmission delay is at least twice its propagation delay.
  • If the size of data packet is smaller, then collision detection would not be possible.


Length Of Data Packet-


We know-

  • Transmission delay = Length of data packet (L) / Bandwidth (B)
  • Propagation delay = Distance between the two stations (D) / Propagation speed (V)


Substituting values in the above condition, we get-

 L / B >= 2 x D / V



L >= 2 x B x D / V


Understanding the Condition To Detect Collision With Example


  • Consider at time 10:00 am, station A senses the carrier.
  • It finds the carrier free and starts transmitting its data packet to station D.
  • Let the propagation delay be 1 hour.

(We are considering station D for the worst case)



  • Let us consider the scenario at time 10:59:59:59 when the packet is about to reach the station D.
  • At this time, station D senses the carrier.
  • It finds the carrier free and starts transmitting its data packet.
  • Now, as soon as station D starts transmitting its data packet, a collision occurs with the data packet of station A at time 11:00 am.



  • After collision occurs, the collided signal starts travelling in the backward direction.
  • The collided signal takes 1 hour to reach the station A after the collision has occurred.
  • For station A to detect the collided signal, it must be still transmitting the data.
  • So, transmission delay of station A must be >= 1 hour + 1 hour >= 2 hours to detect the collision.
  • That is why, for detecting the collision, condition is Tt >= 2Tp.


Two cases are possible-




If no collided signal comes back during the transmission,

  • It indicates that no collision has occurred.
  • The data packet is transmitted successfully.




If the collided signal comes back during the transmission,

  • It indicates that the collision has occurred.
  • The data packet is not transmitted successfully.
  • Step-03 is followed.


Step-03: Releasing Jam Signal-


  • Jam signal is a 48 bit signal.
  • It is released by the transmitting stations as soon as they detect a collision.
  • It alerts the other stations not to transmit their data immediately after the collision.
  • Otherwise, there is a possibility of collision again with the same data packet.
  • Ethernet sends the jam signal at a frequency other than the frequency of data signals.
  • This ensures that jam signal does not collide with the data signals undergone collision.


Step-04: Waiting For Back Off Time-


  • After the collision, the transmitting station waits for some random amount of time called as back off time.
  • After back off time, it tries transmitting the data packet again.
  • If again the collision occurs, then station again waits for some random back off time and then tries again.
  • The station keeps trying until the back off time reaches its limit.
  • After the limit is reached, station aborts the transmission.
  • Back off time is calculated using Back Off Algorithm.


CSMA / CD Flowchart-


The following CSMA / CD flowchart represents the CSMA / CD procedure-




Efficiency (η) = Useful Time / Total Time


Before a successful transmission,

  • There may occur many number of collisions.
  • 2 x Tp time is wasted during each collision.



  • Useful time = Transmission delay of data packet = Tt
  • Useless time = Time wasted during collisions + Propagation delay of data packet = c x 2 x Tp + Tp
  • Here, c = Number of contention slots / collision slots.






  • c is a variable.
  • This is because number of collisions that might occur before a successful transmission are variable.


Probabilistic Analysis shows-


Average number of collisions before a successful transmission = e


Substituting c = e in the above relation, we get-



Probabilistic Analysis-


Let us perform the probabilistic analysis to find the average number of collisions before a successful transmission.



  • Number of stations connected to a CSMA / CD network = n
  • Probability of each station to transmit the data = p



Transmission will be successful only when-

  • One station transmits the data
  • Other (n-1) stations do not transmit the data.


Thus, Probability of successful transmission is given by-



Now, let us find the maximum value of Psuccessful transmission.

For maximum value, we put-



On solving,


At p = 1/n, we get the maximum value of Psuccessful transmission



(Psuccessful transmission)max

= nC1 x 1/n x (1 – 1/n)n-1

= n x 1/n x (1 – 1/n)n-1

= (1 – 1/n)n-1


(Psuccessful transmission)max = (1 – 1/n)n-1


If there are sufficiently large number of stations i.e. n → ∞, then we have-



Number of times a station must try before successfully transmitting the data packet

= 1 / Pmax         (Using Poisson’s distribution)

= 1 / (1/e)

= e


From here, we conclude-

Average number of collisions that might occur before a successful transmission = e


Important Notes-




  • CSMA / CD is used in wired LANs.
  • CSMA / CD is standardized in IEEE 802.3




  • CSMA / CD only minimizes the recovery time.
  • It does not take any steps to prevent the collision until it has taken place.


Important Formulas-


  • Condition to detect collision: Transmission delay >= 2 x Propagation delay
  • Minimum length of data packets in CSMA / CD = 2 x Bandwidth x Distance / Speed
  • Efficiency of CSMA / CD = 1 / (1 + 6.44 x a) where a = Tp / Tt
  • Probability of successful transmission = nC1 x p x (1-p)n-1
  • Average number of collisions before a successful transmission = e


To gain better understanding about CSMA / CD,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Binary Exponential Back Off Algorithm


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Polling in Networking | Access Control Method

Access Control in Networking-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Access Control.


We have discussed-

  • Access Control is a mechanism that controls the access of stations to the transmission link.
  • Broadcast links require the access control mechanism.
  • There are various access control methods-



  1. Time Division Multiplexing
  2. Polling
  3. CSMA / CD
  4. Token Passing
  5. Aloha


In this article, we will discuss about polling.




In this access control method,

  • A polling is conducted in which all the stations willing to send data participates.
  • The polling algorithm chooses one of the stations to send the data.
  • The chosen station sends the data to the destination.
  • After the chosen station has sent the data, the cycle repeats.






  • Tpoll = Time taken for polling
  • Tsend = Time taken for sending the data = Transmission delay + Propagation delay = Tt + Tp




Efficiency (η) = Useful Time / Total Time


  • Useful time = Transmission delay of data packet = Tt
  • Useless time = Time wasted during polling + Propagation delay of data packet = Tpoll + Tp







  • Unlike in Time Division Multiplexing, no slot is ever wasted.
  • It leads to maximum efficiency and bandwidth utilization.




  • Time is wasted during polling.
  • Link sharing is not fair since each station has the equal probability of winning in each round.
  • Few stations might starve for sending the data.


Important Formulas-


  • Efficiency (η) = Tt / (Tpoll + Tt + Tp)
  • Effective Bandwidth / Bandwidth Utilization / Throughput = Efficiency(η) x Bandwidth
  • Maximum Available Effective Bandwidth = Total number of stations x Bandwidth requirement of 1 station


To gain better understanding about Polling Access Control Method,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- CSMA / CD | Access Control Method


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Time Division Multiplexing | Access Control

Access Control in Networking-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Access Control.


We have discussed-

  • Access Control is a mechanism that controls the access of stations to the transmission link.
  • Broadcast links require the access control mechanism.
  • There are various access control methods-



  1. Time Division Multiplexing
  2. Polling
  3. CSMA / CD
  4. Token Passing
  5. Aloha


In this article, we will discuss about Time Division Multiplexing (TDM).


Time Division Multiplexing-


In Time Division Multiplexing (TDM),

  • Time of the link is divided into fixed size intervals called as time slots or time slices.
  • Time slots are allocated to the stations in Round Robin manner.
  • Each station transmit its data during the time slot allocated to it.
  • In case, station does not have any data to send, its time slot goes waste.





Size Of Time Slots-


The size of each time slot is kept such that each station gets sufficient time for the following tasks-

  • To put its data packet on to the transmission link
  • Last bit of the packet is able to get out of the transmission link




Size of each time slot = Tt + Tp



  • Tt = Transmission delay
  • Tp = Propagation delay




To keep the size of time slots constant,

  • We have assumed that all the stations want to send the packets of same size.
  • This keeps Tt constant for all the stations.
  • We have considered the worst case when both the stations are present at the two extreme ends.
  • This ensures Tp will be maximum and all the stations will get sufficient time to propagate their data.




Efficiency (η) = Useful Time / Total Time


  • Useful time = Transmission delay of data packet = Tt
  • Useless time = Propagation delay of data packet = Tp





Important Formulas-


  • Size of each time slot in Time Division Multiplexing = Tt + Tp
  • Efficiency (η) = 1 / (1+a) where a = Tp / Tt
  • Effective Bandwidth / Bandwidth Utilization / Throughput = Efficiency(η) x Bandwidth
  • Maximum Available Effective Bandwidth = Total number of stations x Bandwidth requirement of 1 station




  • If any station does not have the data to send during its time slot, then its time slot goes waste.
  • This reduces the efficiency.
  • This time slot could have been allotted to some other station willing to send data.






If transmission delay and propagation delay of a packet in Time Division Multiplexing is 1 msec each at 4 Mbps bandwidth, then-

  1. Find the efficiency.
  2. Find the effective bandwidth.
  3. How many maximum stations can be connected to the network if each station requires 2 Kbps bandwidth?





  • Transmission delay (Tt) = 1msec
  • Propagation delay (Tp) = 1msec
  • Bandwidth = 4 Mbps




For a TDM Network,


Efficiency (η) = 1 / 1+a where a = Tp / Tt


Calculating Value Of ‘a’-


a = Tp / Tt

a = 1 msec / 1 msec

a = 1


Calculating Efficiency-


Efficiency (η)

= 1 / (1+a)

= 1 / (1 + 1)

= 1 / 2

= 0.5

= 50%




We know-


Effective Bandwidth = Efficiency (η) x Bandwidth



Effective Bandwidth

= 0.5 x 4 Mbps

= 2 Mbps




We know-


Maximum Effective Bandwidth

= Total number of stations x Bandwidth requirement of 1 station


Let the total number of stations that can be connected be N.

Then, we have-

2 Mbps = N x 2 Kbps

N = 1000

Thus, maximum 1000 stations can be connected.


To gain better understanding about Time Division Multiplexing (TDM),

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Polling | Access Control Method


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Access Control in Networking | Methods

Types of Communication Links-


In computer networking,

  • Communication links enable the stations to communicate with each other.
  • Stations may communicate using the following types of links-



  1. Point to Point Link
  2. Broadcast Link


1. Point to Point Link-


  • Point to Point link is a dedicated link that exists between the two stations.
  • The entire capacity of the link is used for transmission between the two connected stations only.
  • Depending upon the Type Of Channel, the data flow takes place between the stations.





2. Broadcast Link-


  • Broadcast link is a common link to which multiple stations are connected.
  • The capacity of the link is shared among the connected stations for transmission.





Access Control-


Access Control is a mechanism that controls the access of stations to the transmission link.


  • Broadcast links require the access control.
  • This is because the link is shared among several stations.


Need of Access Control-


To prevent the occurrence of collision or if the collision occurs, to deal with it.


Consider a situation where-

  • Multiple stations place their data packets on the link and starts transmitting simultaneously.
  • Such a situation gives rise to a collision among the data packets.
  • Collision of data packets causes the data to get corrupt.




Consider the following scenario-




  • Two stations A and D starts transmitting their data packets simultaneously.
  • This situation gives rise to a collision between the data packets transmitted by them.
  • Thus, to prevent the collision or to deal with it, access control is needed.


Access Control Methods-


Access control methods are the methods used for providing access control.


  • They prevent the collision or deal with it and ensures smooth flow of traffic on the network.
  • They are implemented at the data link layer of the OSI reference model.


Various access control methods used are-



  1. Time Division Multiplexing
  2. Polling
  3. CSMA / CD
  4. Token Passing
  5. Aloha


We will discuss all these methods one by one in detail.


To gain better understanding about Access Control,

Watch this Video Lecture


Next Article- Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)


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