Semaphores in OS-
Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Semaphores in OS.
We have discussed-
- A semaphore is a simple integer variable used to provide synchronization among the processes.
- There are mainly two types of semaphores-
In this article, we will discuss about Binary Semaphores.
Binary Semaphores-
A binary semaphore is implemented as-
struct semaphore { enum value (0,1); Queue type L; } Wait (semaphore s) { if (s.value == 1) { s.value=0; } else { put process (PCB) in s.L; sleep(); } } Signal (semaphore s) { if (s.L is empty) { s.value=1; } else { select a process (PCB) from s.L; wake up(); } }
The above implementation of binary semaphore has been explained in the following points-
A binary semaphore has two components-
- An integer value which can be either 0 or 1
- An associated waiting list (usually a queue)
- The waiting list of binary semaphore contains the processes that got blocked when trying to enter the critical section.
- In waiting list, the blocked processes are put to sleep.
- The waiting list is usually implemented using a queue data structure.
- Using a queue as waiting list ensures bounded waiting.
- This is because the process which arrives first in the waiting queue gets the chance to enter the critical section first.
- The wait operation is executed when a process tries to enter the critical section.
- Then, there are two cases possible-
Case-01: Binary Semaphore Value = 1
If the value of binary semaphore is 1,
- The value of binary semaphore is set to 0.
- The process is allowed to enter the critical section.
Case-02: Binary Semaphore Value = 0
If the value of binary semaphore is 0,
- The process is blocked and not allowed to enter the critical section.
- The process is put to sleep in the waiting list.
- The signal operation is executed when a process takes exit from the critical section.
- Then, there are two cases possible-
Case-01: Waiting List is Empty-
- If the waiting list is empty, the value of binary semaphore is set to 1.
Case-02: Waiting List is Not Empty-
- If the waiting list is not empty, a process is chosen from the waiting list and wake up to execute.
Binary semaphores are mainly used for two purposes-
- To ensure mutual exclusion.
- To implement the order in which the processes must execute.
Wait (S1)
Process P1 Signal (S2) |
Process P2
Signal (S1) |
Wait (S2)
Process P3 |
In this example-
- Two binary semaphores S1 and S2 both initialized with 0 are used.
- The execution order of the processes is P2 → P1 → P3.
To gain better understanding about Binary Semaphores,
Next Article- Practice Problems On Binary Semaphores
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