Deadlock in OS-
Deadlock is a situation where-
- The execution of two or more processes is blocked because each process holds some resource and waits for another resource held by some other process.
- Process P1 holds resource R1 and waits for resource R2 which is held by process P2.
- Process P2 holds resource R2 and waits for resource R1 which is held by process P1.
- None of the two processes can complete and release their resource.
- Thus, both the processes keep waiting infinitely.
Conditions For Deadlock-
There are following 4 necessary conditions for the occurrence of deadlock-
- Mutual Exclusion
- Hold and Wait
- No preemption
- Circular wait
1. Mutual Exclusion-
By this condition,
- There must exist at least one resource in the system which can be used by only one process at a time.
- If there exists no such resource, then deadlock will never occur.
- Printer is an example of a resource that can be used by only one process at a time.
2. Hold and Wait-
By this condition,
- There must exist a process which holds some resource and waits for another resource held by some other process.
3. No Preemption-
By this condition,
- Once the resource has been allocated to the process, it can not be preempted.
- It means resource can not be snatched forcefully from one process and given to the other process.
- The process must release the resource voluntarily by itself.
4. Circular Wait-
By this condition,
- All the processes must wait for the resource in a cyclic manner where the last process waits for the resource held by the first process.
- Process P1 waits for a resource held by process P2.
- Process P2 waits for a resource held by process P3.
- Process P3 waits for a resource held by process P4.
- Process P4 waits for a resource held by process P1.
Important Note-
- All these 4 conditions must hold simultaneously for the occurrence of deadlock.
- If any of these conditions fail, then the system can be ensured deadlock free.
To gain better understanding about Deadlock in OS,
Next Article- Deadlock Handling Strategies
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Deadlock in OS | Conditions for Deadlock
Deadlock in OS is a situation where two or more processes are blocked. Conditions for Deadlock- Mutual Exclusion, Hold and Wait, No preemption, Circular wait. These 4 conditions must hold simultaneously for the occurrence of deadlock.
Akshay Singhal
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Gate Vidyalay
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