AVL Tree | AVL Tree Example | AVL Tree Rotation

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AVL Tree-


  • AVL trees are special kind of binary search trees.
  • In AVL trees, height of left subtree and right subtree of every node differs by at most one.
  • AVL trees are also called as self-balancing binary search trees.


Also Read- Binary Search Trees




Following tree is an example of AVL tree-



This tree is an AVL tree because-

  • It is a binary search tree.
  • The difference between height of left subtree and right subtree of every node is at most one.


Following tree is not an example of AVL Tree-



This tree is not an AVL tree because-

  • The difference between height of left subtree and right subtree of root node = 4 – 2 = 2.
  • This difference is greater than one.


Balance Factor-


In AVL tree,

  • Balance factor is defined for every node.
  • Balance factor of a node = Height of its left subtree – Height of its right subtree


In AVL tree,

Balance factor of every node is either 0 or 1 or -1.


AVL Tree Operations-


Like BST Operations, commonly performed operations on AVL tree are-

  1. Search Operation
  2. Insertion Operation
  3. Deletion Operation


Also Read- Insertion in AVL Tree


After performing any operation on AVL tree, the balance factor of each node is checked.

There are following two cases possible-




  • After the operation, the balance factor of each node is either 0 or 1 or -1.
  • In this case, the AVL tree is considered to be balanced.
  • The operation is concluded.




  • After the operation, the balance factor of at least one node is not 0 or 1 or -1.
  • In this case, the AVL tree is considered to be imbalanced.
  • Rotations are then performed to balance the tree.


AVL Tree Rotations-


Rotation is the process of moving the nodes to make tree balanced.


Kinds of Rotations-


There are 4 kinds of rotations possible in AVL Trees-



  1. Left Rotation (LL Rotation)
  2. Right Rotation (RR Rotation)
  3. Left-Right Rotation (LR Rotation)
  4. Right-Left Rotation (RL Rotation)


Cases Of Imbalance And Their Balancing Using Rotation Operations-














To gain better understanding about AVL Trees and Rotations,

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Next Article- AVL Tree Properties


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AVL Tree | AVL Tree Example | AVL Tree Rotation
Article Name
AVL Tree | AVL Tree Example | AVL Tree Rotation
AVL Tree in data structure is a self balancing binary search tree. AVL Tree Examples are given. AVL Tree Rotations refer to the process of moving nodes to make the tree balanced.
Publisher Name
Gate Vidyalay
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