Ambiguous Grammar | Parse Tree | Important Points

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Ambiguous Grammar & Parse Tree-


We have discussed-

  • Ambiguous Grammar generates at least one string that has more than one parse tree.
  • Parse Tree is the geometrical representation of a derivation.


In this article, we will discuss important points about Ambiguous Grammar and Parse Tree.


Important Points-




  • There always exists a unique parse tree corresponding to each leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation.


If n parse trees exist for any string w, then there will be-

  • n corresponding leftmost derivations.
  • n corresponding rightmost derivations.




For ambiguous grammars,

  • More than one leftmost derivation and more than one rightmost derivation exist for at least one string.
  • Leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation represents different parse trees.




For unambiguous grammars,

  • A unique leftmost derivation and a unique rightmost derivation exist for all the strings.
  • Leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation represents the same parse tree.




  • There may exist derivations for a string which are neither leftmost nor rightmost.




Consider the following grammar-


A → a

B → b

C → c


Consider a string w = abc.

Total 6 derivations exist for string w.

The following 4 derivations are neither leftmost nor rightmost-





→ aBC    (Using A → a)

→ aBc     (Using C → c)

→ abc     (Using B → b)





→ AbC    (Using B → b)

→ abC     (Using A → a)

→ abc     (Using C → c)





→ AbC    (Using B → b)

→ Abc     (Using C → c)

→ abc     (Using A → a)


The other 2 derivations are leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation.




  • Leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation of a string may be exactly same.
  • In fact, there may exist a grammar in which leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation is exactly same for all the strings.




Consider the following grammar-

S → aS / ∈


The language generated by this grammar is-

L = { an , n>=0 } or a*


All the strings generated from this grammar have their leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation exactly same.

Let us consider a string w = aaa.


Leftmost Derivation-


S → aS

→ aaS       (Using S → aS)

→ aaaS     (Using S → aS)

→ aaa∈

→ aaa


Rightmost Derivation-


S → aS

→ aaS       (Using S → aS)

→ aaaS     (Using S → aS)

→ aaa∈

→ aaa



Leftmost derivation = Rightmost derivation

Similar is the case for all other strings.




  • For a given parse tree, we may have its leftmost derivation exactly same as rightmost derivation.




  • If for all the strings of a grammar, leftmost derivation is exactly same as rightmost derivation, then that grammar may be ambiguous or unambiguous.




Consider the following grammar-

S → aS / ∈

  • This is an example of an unambiguous grammar.
  • Here, each string have its leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation exactly same.


Now, consider the following grammar-

S → aS / a / ∈

  • This is an example of ambiguous grammar.
  • Here also, each string have its leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation exactly same.


Consider a string w = a.



Since two different parse trees exist, so grammar is ambiguous.


Leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation for parse tree-01 are-

S → a


Leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation for parse tree-02 are-

S → aS

S → a∈

S → a


Next Article- Language of Grammar


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Ambiguous Grammar | Parse Tree | Important Points
Article Name
Ambiguous Grammar | Parse Tree | Important Points
Important Points about Ambiguous Grammar and Parse Tree- Ambiguous grammar is a grammar whose all strings have exactly one parse tree. Parse tree is a geometrical representation of a derivation.
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Gate Vidyalay
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